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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-25 11:22:59 查看次数:

    网络营销的重要任务之一是在互联网上建立并推广酒店的品牌,网络 营销为酒店利用互联网建立品牌形象提供了有利的条件,无论是知名酒店还是一般酒店都可以适合自己的方式展现品牌形象。知名酒店的旗下品牌可以在网上得以延伸和拓展,一般酒店则可以通过互联网快速树立品牌形象,并 提升酒店整体形象。网络品牌设计建立是以酒店网站建立设为基础,通过一系列的推广措施,使公众认知酒店并接受酒店的品牌。
What are the hotel's Internet marketing functions?
A. Network brand
    One important task of network marketing on the Internet and to promote the brand of hotel, network marketing, provide favorable conditions for the hotel to use the Internet to build brand image, whether it is well-known hotel or hotel can be a suitable way to show brand image. Well-known hotel brands in the online able to extend and expand the general hotel through the Internet, you can quickly establish a brand image and enhance the overall image of the hotel. Network brand building is the hotel websites Make the basis of public awareness through a series of promotional measures, Hotels and accept the hotel brand.
(2) Website Promotion
    Access the website of the foundation of success, to promote the web site on the Internet, allowing guests to the well-known Web site, network marketing, one of the most basic function is the basis of network marketing. Especially for the average hotel, due to the limitations of management resources, news, advertising, and large-scale promotional activities, less promotional opportunities through the Internet site to promote the significance of the more important.
(3) information dissemination
    The site is an information carrier, through the website information is one of the basic functions of network marketing. Network for the hotel to release information to create favorable conditions not only information on the hotel website can also use various network marketing tools and network service providers, information dissemination channels to disseminate information to a larger scale. A basic task of the hotel Internet marketing is by means of a variety of network, the hotel marketing information in an efficient means to target users, partners, public and other groups to pass.
(4) sales promotion
    Network marketing, the basic aim is to ultimately increase sales, provide support to the various Internet marketing methods mostly to promote the sale of the effect, directly or indirectly, to promote sales are not limited to the promotion of online sales, network marketing to promote offline sales the same valuable.
5 online sales
    A website with online transaction capabilities hotel itself is an online trading sites, online marketing is the online extension of the hotel sales channels, online sales channels is not limited to the site itself, including the establishment of professional e-commerce and other e-commerce website forms of cooperation.
6 guests
    The Internet provides a more convenient on-line guest service means, from the form is the most simple FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to mailing list, BBS, MSN, chat rooms and other instant messaging services. The online guest service has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, has an important role in improving the level of guest service, a direct impact on the effect of network marketing, online guest services as the basic building blocks of the content of network marketing.
7 Customer Relationship
    To establish a good customer relationship is an important strategy for hotels to create and maintain competitive advantage. The network provides a more effective means of marketing to establish the relationship of the guests, increase guest satisfaction and guest loyalty, interactive, customer participation through the site while conducting guest services, but also enhance customer relations.
8 online research
    Hotel through an online survey or e-mail, you can complete the online market research. Online research survey cycle is short, low cost, online research not only provides support for the development of network marketing strategy, but also one of the auxiliary means of market research activities, rational use of online research tool of great value for hotel marketing.
    The functions of network marketing, network marketing through various Internet marketing methods to achieve various functions are not mutually independent, the same functions may need a variety of online marketing methods together with a network marketing approach may be applicable in the functions of multiple network marketing.    

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 https://www.louer-appartement.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( https://www.louer-appartement.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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