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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-22 10:40:27 查看次数:

To understand under what is a superb hotel website design and development?
The charm of the Hilton website
      In August 1995, the Hilton website. Numerous hotel site, the Hilton web site to the exquisite design, fine and warm pages and humane, professional process, unique to become the leader in the same industry.
      Hilton website pages a fresh, beautiful, warm and basic style, scenes, rendering people friendly and in harmony with nature. In the public mind, the Hilton brand thinking with success, wealth and luxury customers more for the social elite and celebrities, the age of these people mostly middle-aged, reflecting on the website, preached oriented noble reverence for the elderly family, which is particularly reflected in the content of "special honor, specialized promotions, personal care Hilton elders honor the service bar. Relative to shine with this site in the scenery, architecture, attractions, furnishings, outdoor playground, etc., constitute a beautiful landscape line. Home of the Home and the dominant part, for example, many sites say the hotel logo, theme famous hotel name on the top position. Hilton puts drop a grid placed on this natural scenery, internal and external environment of the hotel, beaming pictures of the guests, its beautiful like a pieces of art, enough to attract the visitor's eye.
      The query is the most common site of function. Hilton query system is designed to be quite careful and meticulous, clear context, retrieval approach for national, state / provincial, city directory, then the geographical map of the hotel area, marked on the surrounding neighborhoods, attractions, landmarks, and then attach Enlargement, then is the main hotel building location, the rooms are furnished in Figure.
      Hilton site columns will be reasonable, closely linked to the website marketing theme. Part is divided in two sections: First, the business class section, the second is a promotional class part. The business class section, including hotel reservations, company, human resources, e-mail login, feedback forms, important dates of the Group meeting is scheduled, Printing Center, services, processes, packaging services, and related chain. Promotional section in charge of promotions, special offers, Hilton Honors customers, high-speed Internet service, Garden Inn, an honorary member of Hilton Credit Card Hilton smart cards, remote rooms are equipped with honor points allowance.
      Online booking site core, for the convenience of guests, the Hilton is well-designed, clever arrangements, all guest-oriented business processes are detailed and meticulous, from personal services to the team to the contractor of a large international conference, the site design system spreadsheet and supporting the special services. To organize the meeting, for example, the site launched a set of strict and detailed conference Q & A reception system, it includes the former will, after a series of services form. For example, guests booking fill in the spreadsheet, including arrival and departure time, the required number of rooms, number of adult children, like what kind of bed (including bedding), smoking and prices. In order to avoid errors in the column of the "online" with the help page of the booking the above filled out a detailed explanation. Such as "adult" shows "in a room up to live in four adults, but more than one person may be subject to a fee". In short, each of the booking process often includes dozens of options, A Survey and a lot of the details of the inquiry. Serious about this patiently, reflecting the Hilton's professionalism and high sense of responsibility.
      In order to meet the needs of the guests, the Hilton website also joint promotion with related businesses, across the enterprise as a whole marketing system. For example, for promotional purposes and the issuance of the Hilton credit card, the card is the special credit card issued jointly with the American Express Company, the cardholder access to services of the Group of Hotels, are eligible for certain concessions. This approach, the partners is a strength, high degree of credibility of large enterprises to enhance the image of the hotel.   

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 https://www.louer-appartement.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( https://www.louer-appartement.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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