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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-17 13:07:53 查看次数:


Good hotel sales for the need to pay attention, and several stages.
    Sales promotion of the implementation process includes the following three stages:
   (1) to develop sales promotion programs
    First, according to the changing conditions of the hotel inside and outside environment, the development of the objectives of sales promotion. For example, the new hotel opened, the target can be determined to expand its influence, to boost its profile; the off-season, the target can be determined in order to stimulate sales; competitors pioneered the use of sales promotion, the target can be determined to maintain the balance of the market.
    Secondly, according to the sales promotion of the goal to determine the methods to achieve its objectives. A variety of sales promotion methods, each method has its advantages and scope of application. In determining the method, you can choose one, can also choose a combination of approaches.
    Third, the development of a specific implementation plan. To identify these elements: the scale, the object of activity, activity time, the budget allocation of activities, the activities of publicity means.
   (2) implementation and control of sales promotion programs
    Sales promotion should be implemented strictly in accordance with pre-established program. In the course of implementation, the hotel should continue to monitor market response and promotional range, intensity, frequency and focus in a timely manner to make the necessary adjustments to keep the implementation of good control of marketing programs.
   (3) assessment of sales promotion effects
    Should assess the effect after the end of the sales promotion, whether cost-effective to achieve the desired objectives and promotional costs to test the sales promotion.
Hotel sales promotion points to note in the implementation of
   Compliance requirements: (1), hotel sales promotion involved in the content and methods must be consistent with the image and quality of the hotel, not a negative role to the hotel's overall image. For example, a luxury high-end hotels can not be due to the short-term economic interests of substantial price cuts and lower the grade of guests consumer, this will reduce the hotel has been formed in the public mind the image of the high-end products.
   (2) benefit requirements: hotel sales promotion activities must be able to appropriate economic and social benefits for the hotel. Hotel off-season sales, not only to expand and absorb new customers, but also can help the hotel to establish a hotel product and high-quality image in the public mind.
   (3) The requirements of the standard: hotel guests for participating in sales promotion, should determine the conditions for participation. A limited number of hotel rooms, space is limited, can not occupy all of the markets during the promotional activities, the best limit those who can not become a frequent visitor to participate in the promotion to receive the greatest effect. But too restrictive, but also make too few participants can not achieve the desired objectives.
   (4) Time requirements: to carry out the hotel sales promotion should be to select the appropriate time, general, sales promotion activities should be chosen in a hotel off-season, holidays and special significance to the date held; In addition, should seize the sales promotion activities of the length of time, time is too short, the limited scope of influence, and reach the target, too long, meaning and authenticity of the guests of the sales promotion will lead to suspicion, and thus a negative impact on hotel image.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 https://www.louer-appartement.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( https://www.louer-appartement.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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