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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-13 11:05:29 查看次数:

What are the important role of the image of the hotel public relations?
    Hotel public relations hotel to create a good social relations for their own development, the use of means of information dissemination to establish a relationship of mutual understanding and trust with the public, establish a good corporate image and credibility in order to promote a series of decisions taken by the hotel development and behavior.
    The main target of the hotel public relations public, the public, including both internal public and external public. The internal public employees and shareholders; external public, including customers, community public, media, government agencies, facilitators and peers, etc..
    Hotel public relations work is to strengthen communication and coordination in the public mind to establish a good image of the hotel, the establishment of mutual understanding and trust of internal relations and external relations for the hotel business to create a good social relations. Hotel PR primary means of communication of information, make full use of the mass media, the establishment of the hotel with an external two-way information communication networks: on the one hand the outreach, public awareness and understanding of their other hand to listen to the views of public opinion, to improve to improve their own management , making the hotel and in the public interest.
A. Hotel public relations role
   (1) improve the visibility of the hotel
    The popularity of the hotel the hotel was known to the public, to understand the extent of the objective measures for evaluation of known size. Give full play to the role of public relations, to improve the visibility of the hotel, and the public about the hotel, to know the hotel, and to expand the impact of the hotel.
   (2) to establish and develop a good image of hotel
    The hotel's corporate image design is by society, including the eyes of the hotel staff on hotel overall. Hotel good image design is an important factor in attracting guests. The fundamental purpose of public relations is through meticulous system of work, establish and develop a good image of the hotel in order to obtain the public's trust and support. To this end, the hotel should be organized staff often conduct market research to understand the changes in the public mind, the image of the hotel analysis of psychological and trends of the public, timely adjustment of the public relations strategy, the hotel development trend is consistent with the public intention, good hotel the image of enduring in the public mind.
   (3) provide information for decision-making to ensure that decision-making implementation
    The hotel decision-making is a systematic project, in decision-making, public relations play an important role in all kinds of information for the accurate formulation of the decision-making, public relations impact the implementation of the decision-making of the hotel. Hotel each of the implementation of the decision-making is not a hotel organizes an isolated act, it needs to get inside and outside the broad public understanding and support, you need to guide them in different forms at different levels to participate in the implementation of the decision-making action. Therefore, the hotel's public relations activities of the hotel whether the effective implementation of the decision-making factors.
   (4) to enhance the hotel cohesion in order to cultivate their sense of belonging
    Organize various activities, to create a family atmosphere in the hotel:
    Often held a staff meeting, informed of the recent work, so that employees can participate in the hotel a major decision;
    Set up a suggestion box for employees to speak their minds, and the views of staff in a timely manner reply;
    The festival is especially hotel anniversary celebration, organize staff meetings;
    Invite family members of staff to the hotel to visit, get-together;
    Organized outings, sports competitions and recreational activities;
    Organize staff birthday party;
    Published in internal publications.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 https://www.louer-appartement.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( https://www.louer-appartement.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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