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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-12 11:45:57 查看次数:

There are several stages of the selling process? What is the importance of selling skills?
   (1) selling process
    The selling process can be divided into four stages, and culture stage induction stage, the wrecker stage, the consolidation phase.
    Training stage, guests rarely sell the product links, or know anything about sales personnel work focuses on the formation of a sense of trust between the passenger and I to establish a good communication relationship. Sales personnel Shadow offers I represent the information of the hotel as well as product characteristics, and describes the purpose of the visit; the same time, sales personnel should be guests of the issues related to the marketing purpose, in order to understand the needs of guests.
    Induction phase, the guests still do not understand the product, but interested, the focus of sales personnel to confirm the needs of the guests, for the guests of the actual situation, the amount of planted clothing, guests customized solutions to the problem, for which marketing staff on the one hand should be described in detail related to the product information and guide the guests recognize the product; the other hand, communication and incentives to motivate customers to express their views for a more comprehensive grasp of the true idea of ??the guests and the problems faced accordingly. marketing staff to the guests providing solutions to the problem.
    Wrecker stage, the guests of the hotel's products have a considerable understanding, but also doubts about the marketing staff focus is to strengthen the benefits of the products to the guests, to eliminate barriers to the hearts of the guests. Sales personnel should be conducted active discussions with the guests, and patiently answers the problem of the guests.
    Consolidation phase, guests have a considerable understanding of the product, and willing to buy, sell should seize the opportunity, prompting guests to buy it, ask the guests to use feelings and in the guests consumption initial period, in a timely manner, timely processing of the issues raised by the guests; in a timely manner to promote guest satisfaction column, start a new sales process, and strive for more guests.
   (2) selling skills
    ① sales personnel appearance and temperament critical to the success of the marketing
    After that meeting, the first thing that catches the guests eyes costumes, therefore, sales personnel should pay attention to their own clothing, a clean and tidy appearance of sales personnel is caused by the guests desire to buy a prerequisite for the dress of the sales personnel to meet the individual age, gender, identity , environment, customs, in accordance with the best rigorous and simple, the female sales staff dress more conservative for good, avoid too fashionable; hair neat, hair grooming a clear-cut, the hair of female sales personnel to be simple, generous, can not be long hair shawls; the beard of the male sales staff to be day scraping; the saleswoman makeup as faint, and never can be heavy make-up; nails should scrub clean, not nail polish; shoes to rub bright, clothing iron formation ; to maintain oral hygiene. Gross, should give a clean, tidy, and trustworthy impression.
    ② sales personnel of the conversation and behavior graceful conversation appropriate
    In the selling process, sales personnel should avoid the following behavior occurs: Speed ??too fast, slurred speech, vulgar language; sound gruff, weakly, speaking neither hot nor cold; criticism, sarcasm, bragging, lying; glib, reticent; too casually , Sipilailian, die grinding live entangled; dig ear scratching its shrugging, tongue biting, licking, feet, unable to shake; kept his watch, look around, panic, etc.
    The ③ etiquette courtesy of the basic requirements of the marketing efforts
    Sales personnel should be sincere, warm, friendly, humble attitude towards the guests, be sure to let you in touch with the guests feel comfortable, happy and respected.
    ④ sales personnel should pay attention to body language of communication
    Body language to manifest through the five parts of the face, trunk, arms, hands and legs, and contains a lot of information. In the selling process, sales personnel should not only pay attention to each other's body reaction should be to regulate their own gestures.
    The natural generosity of the body of the sales personnel, for example, eyes soft and look straight into the calm gestures, body sitting, guests will have a positive impression. Conversely, if the sales personnel look around when guests talk, restlessness, nervousness, hands clasped, poor posture will allow guests to have a negative impression, leading to the marketing failure.
    Guests in the different body reaction is different. Sales personnel should be adjusted according to the reaction of the guests:
    Guests cross arms, that he is in a defensive state, doubts about marketing or product marketing staff should patiently wait, should not be anxious;
    Guests finger tapping the desktop, the way to sell or make it impatient, sales personnel shall promptly cause the other party interested in;
    Guests active cigarette, is a positive signal, you can ask for transaction;
    The guests handedly Tuosai on behalf of the guests pay attention to hear the information, and showed great interest in;
    Guests hand on the top of the mouth, there may be guests lying;
    Guests pinch the bridge of the nose, reflecting the guests thinking, sales personnel should be patient and wait for the other side to make a decision;
    Guests face down, because the guests are not interested in, not the next item;
    Guests frown and improve the sound, should take measures to eliminate the extreme tension of the guests, should no longer continue to sell.
    ⑤ note the following
    Clearly introduce themselves: their name, the name of the hotel, the reasons for visiting, do not think he has to know you, know you want to do.
    Now cut to the chase and not waste the time of the guests, otherwise objectionable; less about all the unnecessary words, to avoid the topic pull away, and up to no purpose of the visit. If the guest topic tear, they had followed his, do not always have to pull back to get down to business.
    Make the guests feel the importance of being accessed, so that he will be more willing to listen to your conversation.
    Not make rash promises they can not cash.
    Always in favor of the customer's point of view, even if you think his view is wrong, and should also say: "Yes, but ..." and to explain your reasons, do not quarrel with the customer.
    Learn to use as reference, and told him of certain important organizations held a banquet in your hotel, and gave a high evaluation.
    Visit the end, must be accountable to the guests to thank, even if he does not give you satisfactory results, because he is willing to take the time to talk with you, help you busy.  

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 https://www.louer-appartement.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( https://www.louer-appartement.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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