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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-10 16:00:40 查看次数:

The hotel staff to sell the how the quality?
    The hotel staff to sell one of the most important tools in hotel promotions. It refers to the hotel through contact with the guests to sell products and services promotions. The final result depends on the quality of sales personnel, marketing skills to use in marketing planning and marketing process.
1 sell the quality of personnel
   (A) positive and professional attitude
    Positive and professional attitude, including the following aspects: First, a proper understanding of their own, only a correct understanding of themselves, to understand others, and understanding the basis of marketing object is to sell successfully. The courage to admit their own fault, do not complain about the objective, but should always reflect on their own, so that a better understanding of the self; Secondly, a proper understanding of the marketing efforts. Sell ??not only promote the hotel product sales to meet the needs of the guests, but also give full play to their wisdom, to achieve self-worth; again correctly deal with setbacks. Often encountered setbacks in marketing efforts is the rejection of the guests, not encountered refusal to sell is not normal, and refused to just guests an instinctive protective response, as long as the sales staff confidence, on the basis of respect for the guests use knowledge and skill of the skills to sell the road to success is at your doorstep.
   (2) marketing-oriented mentality
    Hotel sales staff marketing mentality, demeanor and guests will have an impact. Selling process, sales personnel will show two different state of mind: the first is a market-oriented mentality, "I must make every effort to marketing success"; second is marketing-oriented mentality, "I'll help you solve problems and to meet your needs. Market-oriented mentality is reflected in behavior, self-centered, to take formal initiative to emphasize how good products and services of the hotel; marketing-oriented mentality while the guests as the center to listen to and care about what guests need, stressed that their products can What are the benefits brought him to recommend buying opportunity. Guests for the guarantee of a successful marketing.
   (3) knowledge
    Hotel sales personnel must have the products and services are pushing a variety of knowledge, such as the production process, product advantages, features; to be familiar with the history of their hotel, the strategic objectives, financial policy, the department set and the main products sales position and the main facilities of the hotel; to understand the relevant laws and regulations, especially involving the interests of consumers of content, in order to ensure that the marketing behavior to the extent permitted by law; to grasp the social and ceremonial knowledge to guide their practice .
   (4) skilled marketing skills
    The hotel sales personnel only to master the skillful marketing skills, be able to effectively communicate with the guests to express themselves clearly, introduce products, which led to the transaction.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 https://www.louer-appartement.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( https://www.louer-appartement.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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