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来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-29 10:15:12 查看次数:


Want to hotel marketing to do a better job? Learn the operation of hotels and travel agents specification
With a travel agency operational standards
    At present, China between hotels and travel agencies there is no operational standards, but the specification is a trend from the system to ensure that our mutual interests and cooperation, but also to facilitate supervision. American Society of Travel Agents to establish business relationship with the operational standards of a hotel would like to put forward some principles can also provide a useful reference for China to develop a similar system.
    Charges and booking
    The hotel should be ready to develop and publish a List of charges, the highest and lowest amount of fees listed in a variety of rooms and other services. The list of charges should be applied to all customers, whether he is a direct booking through travel agents booking. Already published a list of charges should be strictly adhered to, until the new list of published date, or until the agent notified in writing to change the charges so far.
    Travel agent or agents only in accordance with the provisions of the hotel charges the offer and sell, but as a result of the actual needs or the needs of customers or customer requirements, they can be exempted from such standards and restrictions to accept the booking.
    Agents to accept the reservation request directly with the hotel on behalf of or his authorized representative. Reservations required communication costs, borne by agents such as the oil capital, telegraph and telephone fees. Hotel booking request shall immediately be answered, the best possible reply within 24 hours.
    2 commission
    The agent commission is 10% of sales in accordance with the prescribed standards of the hotel.
    Hotel for the agent whether it should extract of a sales commission have any questions, the agent shall present conclusive evidence to prove that he has in the sales force. The records of the sales made by correspondence, telephone or telegraph may be used as concrete evidence, do not just empty words controversy.
    All moneys received by the agent on behalf of the hotel shall, after deducting the commission should have immediately listing the hotel. If the hotel has already agreed to the agent of the collection of accounts receivable may be temporarily recorded in the receipt of the single, actual returns to the funds depending upon the time of the agreement sent later.
    Service agents, all monies, if the hotel on their own direct charge to the agent should get the commission, the hotel should be settled within thirty days after payment paid to an agent.
    3 Advertising
    Both the hotel and the agent of the ads should be realistic, especially should pay attention to advertising style is elegant, and should be avoided that may lead to misunderstanding of words.
    The ad listed the minimum fee, must be affirmed and clearly pointed out that the minimum standards can not be vague.
    Agent for its hotel services, can not express in words or implied by each hotel comparison.
    Exchanges between the agent and customer, the hotel should be respected. Future business, even if the hotel directly to the customer sell their products, should still be an agent processing.
    Agent obliged to display or pamphlet provided by the distribution of hotel or other similar advertising materials.
    (4) General Terms and Conditions
    The relationship between the agent and the hotel should maintain ethical standards in business, the other customers or the general public should also be.
    The hotel commissioned agent is not a member of the American Society of Travel Agents, and its treatment of its members favorable, then the member is also entitled to such equal treatment.
    5. Dispute
    Both sides if there is any dispute, including commission disputes, including by the hotel will dispute the matters submitted to Hotel Association, and the agent will dispute the matter to the Association of Travel Agents common mediation.
    Hotel If an agent claims, or agent of the hotel, this requirement shall be in a reasonable period of time.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.louer-appartement.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.louer-appartement.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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